Samsung releases new Galaxy S4 commercial, targets the iPhone. Well. |

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Samsung has just released a new commercial for their new flagship phone, the Galaxy S4… and it’s pretty good.

PlasmaBorneElectric‘s insight:

The thing about being the first to innovate and be inventive is others come along and improve upon that unless you are constantly issue new releases. Would we have a Galaxy S4 if the iPhone hadn’t blazed the way for Smartphones? A lot of tech experts had long criticised other tech companies for allowing Apple to be so much more innovative. Well now some tech companies have realized their mistake and are being as innovative as Apple. Good news for consumers. News Apple needs to take notice of and respond. 😉

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Editorial: U.S. is a War Criminal

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Since U.S. Congress has not declared War any and all military orders for police action to our U.S. Troops is illegal. Military code requires all military personel to refuse to obey illegal orders. If they follow illegal orders that makes them a war criminal. Thank the Nazi Nuremberg Trials for this. It was found in the Nazi Nuremberg Trials that “I was just following orders” was no defense.