Editorial: Brute Force

See on Scoop.itGodless Antitheist

As humans chose brain power we lost muscle power http://goo.gl/Hnz00B


So the Christian male, hating to think, is attracted to powerful weapons to regain his Ape like strength. That’s why we call brutes apes. Our natural thought process shows us brute force comes at the expense of critical thinkiing.

We end up with fools who choose the attitude that might makes right. Is it any wonder Christians are so fucked up. They teach their children violence isn’t the answer they when their older train them to be as violent as possible. It’s a strategy for a fucked up world. Just look around. 

Editorial: What Kind of Society..

See on Scoop.itGodless Antitheist

What kind of society gives tax deductions based simply because many people in our population claim to have an imaginary friend who is dead yet they expect him to return any day now even though he’s been dead for 2,014 years? If he existed at all!!!


And we wonder where the crazy in our society comes from. I think we’ve identified a primary source. 😉

PlasmaBorneElectric‘s insight:

The shepherd keeps sheep as a means of monetary exchange. to shear for their wool and kill for their meat. They love mutton.

Obama Proposes New Mortgage Bailout: Tax Banks to Help ‘Responsible’ Homeowners

See on Scoop.itSecular Curated News & Views

President Obama during his State of the Union speech Tuesday debuted a new plan aimed at fixing one part of the housing crisis, saying that he would soon send Congress a bill to help some people refin

PlasmaBorneElectric‘s insight:

Bail out the banks. Bail out those who bought more house than they could afford. Screw those who live debt free w/savings&investments.#Bullshit

See on cnsnews.com

Build a $300 greenhouse for year-round gardening | Getoffmoney.com – YouTube

See on Scoop.itGarden Spot

I was so excited for spring only to be knocked over the head with winter again

PlasmaBorneElectric‘s insight:

WoW. Really amazing. 

See on www.youtube.com

The Scoop – Dr. Ian Smith Weighs In on Farm Fresh Food

See on Scoop.it21st Century Digital Technology News&Views

Farm Star Living chatted with Dr. Ian during a break from his promotional tour for his brand new bestseller, “Super Shred: The Big Results Diet.” We asked him to shred, woops, ‘shed’ some light on how he feels that “farm & food” play a role in our overall health and well-being. 

First off, do you have any farm experiences that you’d like to share? 

When I was a little boy every year we took a field trip to the farm to learn about animals and how crops are grown.  It was called “Down on the Farm” and we enjoyed the connection made between the food that we purchased in stores and ate, to the food that was coming from the earth.  That experience taught us that food didn’t magically appear, but that it was planted, cultivated, and grown by real people on real soil and then transported to stores and our homes for consumption.  This experience gave me a wider understanding and respect for farming and how critical it is to the sustenance of life.


PlasmaBorneElectric‘s insight:

Take a look at the book Super Shred Diet http://goo.gl/Qaf6WC

Help us maintain our Internet curation for you with this Amazon link.

See on www.farmstarliving.com

the cockeyed pessimist: WHO’S AFRAID OF AMAZON.COM

See on Scoop.it21st Century Digital Technology News&Views

On May 24, The New York Times ran a page one story “As Publishers Fight Amazon, Books Vanish.”  In their alarmist zeal reporters David Streitfeld and Melissa Eddy conjure the dreadful threat that Amazon has inflicted upon the “literary world,” causing a kerfuffle of rage and fear as exemplified by a dispute between the electronic superstore and one of the most robust publishers in the Western World. Their first paragraph states “Amazon’s power over the publishing and bookselling industries is unrivaled in the modern era. Now it has started wielding its might in a more brazen way than ever before.” Their second paragraph states that “The literary community is fearful and outraged—and practically begging for government intervention.” They then cite three publishers, none of which I would consider great examples of the “literary” community—or even the larger community of book publishers to prove their thesis.  

As far as this literary publisher is concerned this article is poppycock. It starts with the assumption that Amazon is bad and gathers meagre material to prove its point. The last time I checked, Literary Market Place listed over 2,000 book publishers in the United States. Yet Streitfeld and Eddy quote only one independent publisher in paragraph three (Dennis Loy Johnson of Melville House) saying, about Amazon, “How is this not extortion? You know, the thing that is illegal when the Mafia does it?“


Who are the other publishers that are crying out? Hachette, the fourth largest of the five conglomerate publishers (who together , through all their more than a hundred imprints sell  85% percent of the books sold to the general public in America). Eddy and Streitfeld then makes passing reference to a third publisher, Bonnier, based in Germany, known primarily for publishing magazines throughout the Western world and far fewer books. As for the outpouring of social media they cite two of Hachette’s best-selling writers: James Patterson, a writing factory, who, in 2013, “wrote” 13 Alex Cross thrillers alone, using numerous co-writers, which is why one out of five hardcover books sold bears his name. Though he reportedly earned $80 million dollars last year, he described the confrontation between Amazon and Hachette as “a war.“ The other social media complaint about Amazon came from Nina Laden, who writes and illustrates children’s books.


And what is this all about? 
See on www.thecockeyedpessimist.blogspot.com

Victory Heirloom Seeds – Rare, Open-Pollinated and Heirloom Seeds

See on Scoop.it21st Century Digital Technology News&Views

The Victory Seed Company isa small, family owned and operated organization that works to preserve plant varieties by locating, growing, documenting and offering rare, open-pollinated, non-GMO, non-hybrid, heirloom seeds to home gardeners. Unlike most seed companies, we actually grow seeds on our farm and help to support other small seed farmers by purchasing what we don’t grow from our network of growers.

We work hard at being the best heirloom seed company and strive to be your main seed source.  (You can read what other folks say about us at the Garden Watchdog.)  By purchasing Victory Seeds®, you are partnering with us to support our primary mission of preserving heritage or heirloom seed varieties as well as horticultural history.  With your help we are continually increasing the number of varieties that we protect and offer to home gardeners.

Thank you for recommending the Victory Seed Company to your friends and family and for financially supporting our seed variety preservation work through your orders. We hope that you have a great gardening season and look forward to being of service to you in the future!

See on www.victoryseeds.com

Editorial: Scoop.it Limited Free

See on Scoop.it21st Century Digital Technology News&Views

It seems now Scoop.it is limiting the amount of scoops a free account can have. So in the face of this reality I suggest you also visit 



Editorial: The Hope of Atheist Thinkers

See on Scoop.itGodless Antitheist

What gives me reason to think we can make a better world is the fact that though the USA is dominated by hateful bigoted Christianity the world at large rejects Christianity. Christianity may seems to be the majority of the world. Hell, it seems even Christians believe they are the dominance in the world. Christianity is in reality a very large cult of superstitious backward tribe of people fearful of their own shadow. 

If not for those of us of verifiable evidence of reason through Science Christians would still be living in caves, foraging for food and being eaten by predators on a daily basis. They’d be huddled together in their caves freezing as superstition would never led to the discovery of how to build and control fire. The campfire is technology. 

This superstitious tribe would never have even thought of the technology of the wheel and if one of their numbers actually had a thought and expressed it the rest of the tribe would have declared them demon possessed and killed them.

It is the tribe of secular atheist antitheist thinkers of observation which lead to explorations and discovery which then lead to duplicatable experiments and experimentation. As the reasoned tribe progress some in the superstitious tribe infiltrated the reasoned tribe and while using the reasoned tribes technology of fire and the wheel was also condemning such inventions and innovations as the work of the devil!!

So here we are today. The superstitious have been given the benefit of the doubt and as they’ve always done the superstitious continue to us our technology of Science, the automobile, the radio, the TV, The computer, the Internet, the smartphone watching Hollywood TV shows and Hollywood movies all while condemning our Science and Technology as the work of Satan and/or the Devil. What gall these assholes have. They use our technology while claiming our technology and our secular Government is evil.

Why don’t they do as the amish do and separate themselves from amongst us. We wouldn’t miss them. They are a dead weight on our progress. They are a threat to our way of life and our society. They are the reason we can’t have nice things like Medicare for All, Equality, and a safe neighborhood.

This primitive tribe claim simply being human is a sin. The only mystery in all this is why are the majority of us who are reasonable loving caring people allowing such hatred and bigotry the respect of tax free hate mongering?

Thomas Paine realized too late that The Age of Reason hadn’t arrived. His work however has not been in vain. The Age of Reason is upon us. The Age of Reason is reaching it’s tipping point. Thanks to the efforts of brave men and women all around the world. We shall overcome. We will one day be truly be free of all superstition and those who propagate superstition. 

Planning a Minimalist Vegetable Garden –

See on Scoop.itGarden Spot

Every summer I get really excited about the prospect of starting a garden.  Beyond building our raised garden beds this year, we enjoy going to the local home improvement store and picking out the vast array of veggies I want. Continue Reading →

See on thriftylittlemom.com

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