LOSER, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky

I live in Princeton Indiana, just sicty miles from the Kentucky border. Princeton Indiana is home to one of the Toyota Factories. What ammuses me is the fact that Kentuckians again voted for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky yet they drive over sixty miles to work at the Princeton Indiana Toyota plant. What’s wrong Kentucky, can’t the great Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky generate enough jobs in Kentucky for ya all?

This great Kentucky leader who helped pass legislation of Depression for all Americans now stands blocking any President who dares try to repair our crumbling infrastructure and dares to reach out a helping hand to working class. After all, how can the rich git wages down to pennies an hour if workers are given a chance to recover?

It’s only Banks, CEO and other campaign contributors who get a helping hand on the backs of workers everywhere. This helps burdens them so they can’t refuse an offer of sixteen your days with only eight hours of them paid.

Keep voting for Mitch McConnel Kentucy, who cares if the USA goes down the tubes. You hate the United States anyway. You’d succede if you could, right!

love ya Kentucky, even if you are a bitch most of the time,


Rush is Right to be Wrong…

Of course Rush Limbaugh doesn’t want President Barack Obama to succeed. If President Barack Obama succeeds then everyone, perhaps even Ditto Heads, will see that viagra popping thrice divorced christian dominionist Rush Limbaugh is not only stupid, but as corrupt a soul as you’ll ever find.

Hey Rush, why does an unmarried christian need viagra? No sex outside of marriage, ain’t that what you pretend to believe?

What a pathetic pitiful joke these neoconliberal dominion christians are,


Start Living Your Life As If You Were A Lottery Winner…

What would you do if you won the Lottery? Would you quit your job? Travel, learn a sky dive? Why are you sitting around now unable to do these things? Why are you so far in debt and responsibilities that you can’t quit your job and live?

Why do so many put themselves in such a rut that only winning twenty mllion dollars with a lottery ticket will set them truly free? Why aren’t we free our whole lives?

Perhaps its our mindset. We live our lives differently than we would had we a different outlook, a different perspective on life. Now you can break out of your rut and begin to live life on your terms.

Starting right now

Youtube Bullies Agenda

We get a lot of our videos from

It’s easier that way and since time
is limited, we go with what’s easiest.

One thing that has discouraged me about
YouTube is how quickly good discussions

A very astute subscriber who has pointed out
and even sourced many of the videos we
include in our daily mailings let me in on
what to me was a big secret.

Believe it or not…

There are people who check YouTube every
day to find popular videos that discuss
topics that are unflattering and unhelpful
to various right wing agendas.

When they find one, they register a brand new
YouTube account and start using it to disrupt
the discussion by attacking the video, the
speakers on the video and other people
making comments. They also post false
information which they assert to me true.

Their goal is nothing less than to disrupt
free speech by shouting down the people
who’ve gathered to have an honest give and
take exchange.

We’ve posted some info today so that you can learn
more about this phenomenon and how to counter it
in an ethical, above board way.

Maybe YouTube will be inspired to create some functionality
to make it easier to identify people who are abusing
their system and making it a less useful tool.

